Complete and Utter Malarkey: San Francisco, The Philippines, and Places in Between: The Collected Short Works from Fieldmouse Press is now available.

Praise for Complete and Utter Malarkey:

“There’s a high voltage, electric current running through these panels. Every frame is brimming over with sharp, intelligent humor. You’ll find no filler or duds in this book, just exceptional storytelling and skilled draftmanship, realized with an eye for design.

Garcia depicts her self-indulgence, pathos, and decadence with exacting, rigorous self-discipline. That is confessional comics at its finest. I feel bad for her weepy ex.”

— Gabrielle Bell, Everything is Flammable

“Hilarious, honest, cringey, and so much fun.”

— Gina Wynbrandt, Someone Please Have Sex With Me

Mini Comics

Online Comics


The New Yorker

“Verbatim Excerpts from my Teen Diaries, Illustrated"

Travel Tips.jpg

The New Yorker

“Travel Tips from a Visit to Tokyo"


“Can’t Please ‘Em All"

PEN America

“Blind Faith"

The Stranger


The Stranger

“Premium Quarantine Meals in Manila"


“Hole Number One"

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“Stages of Grief"